Peninsula Academy Cosmetology and Barbering Apprenticeship allows students to earn income while training in a professional atmosphere. Students have the opportunity to establish their own clientele, own their own business and generate financial independence. Becoming a licensed cosmetologist or barber opens the door to entrepreneurship.

Traditional cosmetology and barbering schools range from $28,000 – $38,000 creating significant debt for the newly licensed practitioner.

Peninsula Academy Cosmetology and Barbering Apprenticeship program is a more affordable way to gain the skill, license, and the clientele needed to build your business without expensive with student loans. Peninsula Academy offers a high-quality industry education, the skills you need to succeed, course materials, application and licensing fees for a fraction of the cost of traditional schools.

Click here to begin enrollment.  If your tuition is sponsored by an educational or government agency please contact Peninsula Academy to complete enrollment.

State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Exam

An apprentice may apply to take the cosmetology exam before or after completing their education requirement. They must submit the “Application for Examination and Initial License Fee” to the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology along with a Proof of Training Document supplied by Peninsula Academy of Cosmetology and Barbering. Non-graduates may submit an approval letter from Peninsula Academy of Cosmetology and Barbering for pre-application. Apprentices must provide a certificate of completion from the program. The application requires a social security number, information on criminal history and prior license violations.